Three Basic Tips for Boating Safety


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Boating Safety

Irving Langer has led E & M Associates in Brooklyn, New York, as chief executive officer since 1971. When he is not managing operations at the real estate owner and management firm or functioning as chairman of the board for Yeshiva Tiferes Yisreol, Irving Langer enjoys spending time on the beach, boating, and engaging in other maritime activities.

There are a number of basic boating safety rules and regulations passengers should observe at all times. Weather familiarity is arguably the cornerstone of any safe boating trip. Individuals should review up-to-the-minute weather reports prior to departure and avoid setting sail in the face of an oncoming storm. Regardless of weather reports, individuals should also rely on their eyes and other senses to check for darkening clouds, rough winds and waters, and other signs of strong weather.

The development of an accurate and easy-to-follow float plan is another crucial aspect of basic boating safety etiquette. Float plans should be left with staff at the local marina, as well as a family member or friend. Float plans should include all pertinent information for a trip, including departure time and expected date of return, contact information, and descriptions of the vessel and passengers onboard.

Lastly, individuals should practice common sense at all times. This includes avoiding traveling at dangerous speeds and maintaining awareness of other vessels and navigational aids, such as buoys, at all times. Boat owners are advised to complete a boating safety course prior to their first cruise.

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