Category Archives: Irving Langer

E&M Management Successfully Sells Harlem Properties

A veteran real estate investor with a focus on multifamily properties, Irving Langer is the CEO of E&M Management, one of the largest rental property owners in New York. The company also has properties in New Jersey, Florida, Arizona, and Texas. Irving Langer has led the company since 1972, overseeing all property acquisitions, management, and sales.

In 2018, E&M began a move out of its core property holdings in cities in favor of properties outside the city. The company marked the move with dispositions of some of its urban properties. These included 50-building and 21-building portfolios, both located in Harlem.

E&M sold the 50-building portfolio to Sugar Hill Capital Partners for over $250 million. At the time of the sale, Sugar Hill Capital Partners CEO Jay Solomon said the company would leverage its strong expertise in integrating sustainability and preservation to steward the buildings with care.

For the 21-building portfolio in Harlem, E&M sold it to Isaac Kassirer for $85 million. The portfolio included 224 apartment units. E&M had bought the properties in 2014 for $66.7 million. Steven Vegh of Westwood Realty Associates brokered both of the deals.

What to Do If Your Boat Capsizes

Irving Langer is the founder, managing partner, and chief executive officer of E&M Associates in Brooklyn, New York. Beyond his activities leading the multifamily real estate investment and management company, Irving Langer enjoys spending time on the beach. He is also fond of fishing and boating.

Few maritime experiences are as frightening as a capsized vessel. Despite the confusion and chaos involved with a capsized boat, passengers are advised to remain as calm as possible and take a number of cautionary steps. First, all passengers and crew should stay as close to the capsized boat as possible, as the overturned vessel will be easier to spot by rescuers than individual people scattered about the water. The overturned boat can be used as support and save a little of the energy used in treading water.

In the immediate aftermath of a capsizing, a headcount should be made. Any person without a life jacket should put one on or hold onto a floating jacket. If the boat remains buoyant, individuals can attempt to climb aboard and out of the water. If the boat sinks, passengers should stay together and hold on to whatever they can to stay afloat. In the event that no life jackets or floating objects are available and the water is cold, individuals should float rather than tread water while awaiting rescue in order to conserve body heat.

National Geographic Society Funds Globally Focused Projects

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National Geographic Society

Since 1972, real estate professional Irving Langer has sold, managed, and invested in properties across New York City. Outside of his professional accomplishments, Irving Langer has an interest in the natural world and is a longtime subscriber to National Geographic magazine.

The National Geographic Society funds projects that increase mankind’s understanding of the natural world. The society’s grant program has funded projects for more than 13,000 filmmakers, researchers, educators, and explorers around the world.

The National Geographic Society prioritizes projects that focus on three areas: wildlife research and conservation, societies and cultures, and changes in Earth’s ecosystems. Previously funded projects have involved coral reef restoration and glacier mapping.

To increase diversity among its grantees, the National Geographic Society accepts applications for projects anywhere in the world and requires that all projects involve local partners. Researchers with fewer than five years of field experience can also access funding through the society’s Early Career Grant program.

Correcting Posture for Horseback Riding

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Horseback Riding

Accomplished investor and real estate developer Irving Langer has founded several successful real estate companies, including Saba Raba, LLC, and E&M Associates. Outside of his entrepreneurial efforts, Irving Langer pursues many passions, including horseback riding.

Horseback riding requires proper alignment and coordination. Many aspects of a rider’s lifestyle and physical condition can impact how well his or her bearing while on horseback. To improve their posture, riders should make several important adjustments.

Most people spend much of their time in a few positions related to their work and lifestyle, which can impact riding posture. For example, office workers often transfer a forward-head posture with rounded shoulders to their riding. This stance must be corrected by aligning the heel, hip, shoulder, and head along an imaginary vertical line that passes through the body.

Riders also should identify any imbalances in their muscles and gross motor skills. Relying on one side of the body during work and exercise can cause imbalances to develop. This can be balanced through thoughtful stretching exercises and compensating for weaker muscles by making postural corrections while riding.